Real solutions for pain in ankles, knees, hip, back and neck, as well as for Plantar Fasciitis, Bunions, Heel Spurs, Morton's Neuroma, Hammer Toe, Calluses, or Corns.

Why Choose Step Flex Orthotics

Have you ever considered just how important your feet are to your whole body?

Incorrect foot posture & symmetry can bring pain to the feet, ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders and neck (yes, that’s right, the whole body!).

To improve your mobility, balance, blood flow, and avoid long term problems, you need to address your foot posture.

Did you know, not all Orthotics are the same? Most Orthotics on the market are very hard, fixed and very uncomfortable, with only one supporting arch. They don’t fit in many shoes because they don’t flex to accommodate this. They are usually taken from a cast or a mold of your feet.  We believe if you have a cast taken of your feet, then you’re getting back what you already have, and nothing will change. We have proven this with our foot assessment. With one supporting arch, most other orthotics won’t correct your posture either.


Step Flex Orthotics are the shape of a perfect foot. Your feet will gradually adapt and conform to this correct shape, thus enabling them to work more like nature intended.

Step Flex Orthotics have 3 supportive arches and flex as you walk, much like walking barefoot on sand, grass, & mud like nature intended. This means they will strengthen and correct your flat or high arches, give you balance, symmetry and stability back while also protecting your joints. You can expect relief from most aches and pains caused by poor foot alignment almost instantly.  We offer a 60 day money back guarantee, and a 5 Year warranty. Our orthotics will support and protect your body for approximately 10 to 12 years.

Our Orthotics are less than half the cost of most orthotics on the market with much more value.  Our company has been in the business of creating happy feet for nearly 50 years now, so we have a good “standing” in the industry

Free Assessment Valued at $95

I would like you to experience the benefits of our Step Flex Corrective Orthotics and let your body give you instant feedback. That’s why I offer you a Free no obligation Foot and Postural Alignment consultation. This includes a custom experiential fitting to feel what it feels like to be balanced, have full stability and symmetry, have your weight taken off your bones, and feel instant relief as pressure is reduced in your bones, joints and muscles.

Your assessment can determine any imbalances in your feet rising up into your body. If you suffer from pain in feet, ankles, knees, hips, back or neck, I can determine if it’s coming from your feet and offer you instant real solutions.

Call me today to book your FREE consultation.

Want Happy Feet Again?

As you can see, a good corrective flexing orthotic can relieve many problems caused by wearing unsupportive shoes, walking on hard surfaces, wearing high heels, and not exercising the muscles of the feet by walking bare foot in the grass and sandy surfaces.

 Our Orthotics are Active Foot Correctors, like a gym for your feet. Did you know that your feet need exercising as well? Walking on hard surfaces and in shoes that don’t support you, weakens your arches and reduces blood flow. Treating the cause and preventative measures are always your best options.

Correct your misalignment and stand tall. Ask me how. Want happy feet again?

Make an appointment for your FREE Foot Assessment NOW – 0422 414 113

Home Foot Assessment Kit

A home foot assessment kit can be posted out to you if distance is a problem. You simply follow the instructions and take a foot print and post it to me to be assessed. I will assess it while you are on the phone and size up your orthotics based on your bone structure. Payment for the orthotics will need to be paid prior to me posting them to you. In the unlikely event that the Orthotics are not suitable for you, you have a 60 day money back guarantee. You will get a refund on returning of the orthotics less $95 for the assessment and postage and handling.